"Sympathectomy is a technique about which we have limited knowledge, applied to disorders about which we have little understanding." Associate Professor Robert Boas, Faculty of Pain Medicine of the Australasian College of Anaesthetists and the Royal College of Anaesthetists


Permanent pain following sympathectomy

The mean inpatient pain scores were significantly higher in the biportal group (1.2±0.6) than that in the uniportal group (0.8±0.5, P=0.025). For the first three weeks after operation, four out of 20 (20%) patients in the uniportal group constantly suffered from mild or moderate residual pain while eight out of 25 (32%) cases in the biportal group (P=0.366). Among them, two cases in the uniportal group and five cases in the biportal group need to take analgesics.
Chinese Medical Journal, 2009, Vol. 122 No. 13 : 1525-1528

The so called 'compensatory sweating' is NOT compensatory:

"When patients with intense CH are analyzed, we observe that the amount of released sweat seems to be much greater than was that occurring at the primary hyperhidrosis location, not translating a simple compensation or sweating transference from one site to the other. Therefore, this hyperhidrosis seems to be reflex, mediated neurologically in the sweating regulatory center in the hypothalamus.

In order to avoid this neurologically mediated reflex, the sympathetic afferents to the hypothalamus should be restored, allowing negative feedback to block the efferent projection of the sweating regulatory center on the periphery.(14) Therefore, only the reinnervation of the sectioned sympathetic chain could recover this reflex."



Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia

Print version ISSN 1806-3713

J. bras. pneumol. vol.34 no.11 São Paulo Nov. 2008                        

Guidelines for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of compensatory hyperhidrosis*

Roberto de Menezes LyraI; José Ribas Milanez de CamposII; Davi Wen Wei KangIII; Marcelo de Paula LoureiroIV; Marcos Bessa FurianV; Mário Gesteira CostaVI; Marlos de Souza CoelhoVII
IThoracic Surgeon. Hospital do Servidor Público Estadual de São Paulo - HSPE/SP, São Paulo Hospital for State Civil Servants - São Paulo, Brazil
IIAssistant Professor in the Department of Thoracic Surgery. University of São Paulo Hospital das Clínicas, São Paulo, Brazil
IIIThoracic Surgeon. Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein - HIAE - São Paulo, Brazil
IVGeneral Surgeon. Hospital Nossa Senhora das Graças, Curitiba, Brazil
VThoracic Surgeon. Hospital Santa Lúcia, Cruz Alta, Brazil
VIAdjunct Professor of Surgery. University of Pernambuco School of Medical Sciences, Recife, Brazil
VIIAdjunct Professor of Surgery. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná - PUCPR, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná Curitiba, Brazil

